Aprils Question Of The Month : What three video game characters would you take to help you survive the apocalypse?

This month I had the honor of choosing the Question of the month , Reached into the swirling vortex of my head and came up with this mental conundrum! so the question its self what three video game characters would you take into the apocalypse to help you survive? But it’s never that simple is […]

Dungeon Situational – My Warlock Pact

Originally posted on GeekOut UK:
The Warlock draws his power from strange and terrible forces from beyond the world. Often evil in their own particular way, these are entities who cannot garner followers, and so must bargain for indentured servants to do their bidding. Cruel fiends, capricious fey, deranged elder things, and dead gods need…

Creative Christmas: Day 3

So I receive a manic phone call from ST. Nick himself, Elves are flustered and its up to me and a video game character of my choosing to save the day. Now who in this situation would I choose? Do i go for someone who is efficient in getting stuff done or do i go […]